Credits WKS Bavaria-Africa newsletter

Edition 02/2024

Header © WKS Bayern-Afrika/Hr. Lindl
IFAT Munich 2024 @Messe München
EU-AFRICA @EuroTech Universities Alliance
SRI Africa Satellie Event © Sustainability Research + Innovation
ARE-Energy Access Investment Forum 2024 @ARE, 2024
World Future Health Africa 2024 @World Future Health Africa 2023
ENABEL conference @2024 Enabel
Access to Finance Workshop @DLR Projektträger
Africa Day for Enterprises 2024 @HNU Africa Institute
Policies against Hunger Conference @Pixel –
UN Climate Change Conference @UNFCCC
Africa Forum Bavaria 2024 © 2024 IHK für München und Oberbayern
Tropentag 2024 @Tropentag
Reconfigurations in Africa - and in African Studies @NomadIT
News from the Bavarian Office in Africa  
Logo © Bavarian Office for Africa
Displaying Bavaria at the Made in Germany Africa Trade Fair © Bavarian Office for Africa
Building Bridges, Part 2 © Bavarian Office for Africa
Project in the Spotlight  
Stakeholder Map © WKS Bayern-Afrika

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