The association
Since June 2013 the ZSK has combined the disciplines of city and landscape planning, architecture, engineering and ecology. The aim of the interdisciplinary team of scientists involved is to develop practical guidance for how cities and municipalities in Bavaria can use ecosystem services from urban green infrastructure (e.g. shading, water storage and humidification) to adapt the sustainable city of the future to the consequences of climate change. Herein, synergistic effects will be considered so that flora and fauna can find refuge and long-term protection.
The ZSK is funded by the Bavarian Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection (StMUV) and coordinated at the Technical University of Munich. It is lead by Prof. Dr. S. Pauleit (Chair for Strategic Landscape Planning and Management) and Prof. Dr. T. Rötzer (Chair of Forest Growth and Yield Science).
For more information about our centre and sub-projects please have a look at our website www.zsk.tum.de.
Project Leader
- PD Dr. Harald Albrecht
- Prof. Dr. Sven Bienert
- Prof. Dr. Swantje Duthweiler
- Dr.-Ing. Thomas E. Hauck
- Prof. Dr. Brigitte Helmreich
- Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Regine Keller
- Prof. Dr. Johannes Kollmann
- Dr. Jutta Köhler
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Lang
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ferdinand Ludwig
- Prof. Dr. Christoph Moning
- Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Frank Petzold
- Prof. Dr. Dr. Hans Pretzsch
- Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer
- Prof. Dr. Wolfgang W. Weisser
Scientific Staff
- MscRE Rebecca Amberger
- M. Sc. Doris Bechtel
- M. Sc. Vjosa Dervishi
- M. Sc. Simon Dietzel
- M. Sc. Patrizia Eben
- Prof. Dr. Christina Fischer
- M.A. Christoph Fleckenstein
- M.Sc. Eleonora Franceschi
- Dr. Michael Joneck
- M.Sc. Markus Kleeberger
- Dr. Jutta Köhler
- MScRE Hunter Kuhlwein
- Dr. Mohammad A. Rahman
- Dr. Astrid Reischl
- M. Sc. Sandra Liliana Rojas Botero
- M. Sc. Lea Rosenberger
- Dip.-Ing. Rupert Schelle
- M. Sc. Priscila Stark da Silva
- M.Sc. Philipp Stinshoff
- Dr. Stephanie Thomas
- Prof. Dr. Ute Windisch
- Completed Subprojects
Running Subprojects
- SP8: Colorful Ribbons for our Cities in Times of Climate Change: Near-natural Urban Flowering Areas along Transport Axes to Promote Ecological Functionality
- SP9: ClimateContainerTrees - Trees in Containers as urban climatic effective measure for the adaption to climate change
- SP10: Ecosystem Services of Urban Green at Public Squares in Munich
- SP4: 100Places:M
- SP6: Würzburg Climate Experience
- SP7: Coordination
- SP13: Scientific accompanying research: "Climate friendly building - model project"
- SP14: Multifunctional infiltration swales in residential areas
- SP15: Climate Biomonitoring with Lichens in Bavaria
- SP16: Interactive guideline "Urban trees under climate change"
- SP17: Asian tiger mosquito in cities: Foundations for urban climate adaptation measures and health prevention
Centre for Urban Ecology and Climate Adaption
Technical University of Munich
Emil-Ramann-Str. 6
85354 Freising
Phone +49 8161 - 71 5409
Fax +49 8161 - 71 4721
E-Mail info@no-spam-pleasezsk.tum.de