II.1 Optical videodiscs for high resolution digital X-ray diagnostics
"X-ray" storage targets establish the basis of a novel concept for recording radiographs. The concept increasingly finds acceptance in medical diagnosis. Withtin the scope of the project storage targets for digital X-ray diagnosis in dentistry are to be developed. Diagnosis at present is still largely based upon conventional X-ray films, storage targets are still of too small a sensitiveness and resolution. An improvement of these properties can be obtained by improving and optimizing the layer structure of the targets, labelled by influence coefficients thickness, filling factor, grain size distribution, index of refraction and absorbtivity of the binder and by several more. Thereby experiences of the project "Storage targets for material analysis" of FOROB 1 can be taken as a basis; the novel project may gain profit particularly from the elaborated methods for calculating the propagation of light. The result to be reached is being conditioned by read-out devices at the same time, which is why the development of storage targets always has to come along with the development of appropriate read-out devices. The total system consisting of storage target and read-out device including image processing shall be brought to market maturity for dental markets by close co-action of the partners.