*Bavaria*Israel* Workshop Series: How to build a "Horizon Europe" proposal for topics from Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society)?

*Bavaria*Israel* Workshop Series: How to build a "Horizon Europe" proposal for topics from Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society)?

Due to the current situation in Israel, the "Bavaria-Israel Workshop Series: How to build a "Horizon Europe" proposal for topics from Cluster 2 (Clture, Creativitiy and Inclusive Society)" is postponed to a later date. Thank you for your understanding. 

On October 26 and November 6, 2023, the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the „Israel-Europe R&I Directorate“ (ISERD) organize a workshop series on "How to build a "Horizon Europe" proposal for topics from Cluster 2 (Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society)?" with a focus on the submission process for calls from the current European Research Framework Program "Horizon Europe".


The event invites Bavarian, Israeli and other European scientists from universities and non-university research institutions, as well as stakeholders from R&D driven SMEs, industries, NGOs and other fields of expertise to discuss project ideas and to explore new cooperation and network opportunities.

The two-part workshop series offers participants the opportunity to:

  • gain a comprehensive insight into the requirements of submitting a Horizon Europe application.
  • get information on how to build a competitive consortium and how to compose the project budget.
  • find new partners for a potential Horizon Europe consortium.
  • expand one's own international network and to establish new contacts. 

During the workshop, the following calls will be presented and discussed in three parallel sessions. The calls cover the three destinations of Cluster 2, "Democracy", "Cultural Heritage" and "Social and Economic Transformation".

Workshop 1: "Democracy"

Workshop 2: "Cultural Heritage"

Workshop 3: "Social and Economic Transformation"

The individual workshops will be accompanied by experts from the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS) Bavaria-Israel of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the Israel-Europe R&D Directorate (ISERD).

You can find the full program here.

Date and Time
26 October & 06 November, both at 10:00-11:30 (CET)

The event will take place online via Webex. Participants will receive the corresponding event link after registration.

Language of the Event

Participation fee and registration
The event is free of charge.

Contact at BayFOR:

Dr. Anna Abelmann-Brockmann
Scienific Coordinator Bavaria-Israel
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel
Phone: +49 89 9901888-166
E-Mail: abelmann@bayfor.org

Quick links

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency