ATUMS is "The Alberta/Technical University of Munich International Graduate School on Functional Hybrid Material". ATUMS is using nanoparticles and conductive polymers to create hybrid functional materials. Transdisciplinary work is key to understand and use them.
Financial assistance of BayIntAn
"ATUMS is one of the serendipitous positive outcomes of the 2010 eruption of the Eyjafjallajökull volcano in Iceland. I had been attending a conference in Tutzing and was unable to leave for approximately five days. My extended stay saw me seek out researchers at TUM who had common research interests and led to a one year sabbatical stay as a Visiting Research Professor with Prof. Dr. Bernhard Rieger from July 2012 until June 2013. During this sabbatical, we worked together to formulate the concept of ATUMS and assembled a team of faculty from TUM and the University of Alberta. With the generous financial assistance of the funding programme BayIntAn, we hosted the Canadian team in Munich, prepared proposals and successfully secured funding."
Dr. Jonathan Veinot, Department of Chemistry, University of Alberta
Read more on the ATUMS website.