Success Stories
The Canadian Arctic Extended Continental Shelf in the Interplay of Legal Concepts, Scientific Categories and Political Interests
The Alberta/Technical University of Munich International Graduate School on Functional Hybrid Material.
CARE CAMPUS (Caregiving and Ageing Reimagined for Europe) is based on 19 european and north american partners to improve the education of professional and family caregivers using online training.
EU project CLIMB - „Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of the Mediterranean
Basins“ -
The Danubian Network for Dementia Education and Care (DANDEC) is an initiative to improve the care of people with dementia in the Danube region. The Consortium comprises academic partners, enterprises, and patient organisations from 10 Danube countries. It has proceeded in two phases (2013-2014; 2016-2017) and has been funded by the German Ministry of Education and Research.
Digitalisation Dialogue
The RLS-Sciences dialogue on digitalisation fosters a better understanding of the digital challenges facing business and society. Outputs will be practical and adaptable tools for SMEs, and the development of guidelines for digital innovation management in enterprises.
EU project ECOPOTENTIAL - Improving future ecosystem benefits through earth observations
EU project E-SHAPE - we e-shape EuroGEO
The European Multidisciplinary Initiative on Neuroacanthocytosis (EMINA) was funded by the E-Rare-program. It analyzed different neuroacanthocytosis syndromes and evaluated samples of chorea-acanthocytosis patients.
FrontAG Nexus
Pushing the frontiers of climate-smart agriculture in the Mediterranean
Global Aerospace Campus
RLS-Sciences Global Aerospace Campus is creating a virtual training platform to promote global teaching of highly qualified professionals in aerospace. Academic cooperation includes online and on-site exchange.
EU project GLOBAQUA - Managing the effects of multiple stressors on aquatic ecosystems under water scarcity
Integrated and circular technologies for sustainable food systems in african metropolitan areas
INDEED ("Innovation for Dementia in the Danube Region") is a three-year (2018-2021) follow-up project to DANDEC ("DAnubian Network for Dementia Education and Care") in the EU's Interreg Danube Programme.
Small Satellites
The RLS-Sciences Small Satellites project fosters research and training excellence in the field, and promotes technology transfer and commercialization of the first applications in 3D Earth observation and in telecommunications.
ClimEx analyzes the effects of climate change on meteorological and hydrological extreme events and implications for water management in Bavaria and Québec.
Kreative Städte
Urban Innovation Systems: A comparison of Montréal and Munich
Designing beautiful, environmentally friendly and future-proof neighbourhoods together
EU project NEED - Network of Energy Excellence for Development
Renewable Energy Network
The RLS-Sciences Renewable Energy Network is a network to provide privileged access to research activities and a platform for long-term cooperation projects. It supports the exchange of information, information on scientific conferences, and the identification of funding opportunities.
Ongoing -
EU project Path2Integrity - Innovative learning settings to promote sound scientific work
Resistive Datenspeicherzellen
Production and analytics in the fields of materials and nanotechnology.
Research to Assess Policies and Strategies for Dementia in the Young
EU project Skill-For.Action - Facing the forest carbon balance under the uncertain of the climate change
TIRCON (Treat Iron-Related Childhood-Onset Neurodegeneration) is an Integrated Project in the health sector of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union (FP7).
EU project UPSCALE - More crops without pesticides in East Africa