
962 results:

High-level expert group on the next EU Research Framework Programme starts work


The European Commission has set up an independent advisory group for the EU's next research framework programme, officially kicking off the design process for the 10th Framework Programme. Chaired by


Overview of the draft Strategic Plan 2025-27 of Horizon Europe


The Strategic Plan of the R&I Framework Programme is published twice per programme period and forms the basis for the preparation of work programmes and calls for proposals. The Commission is curr


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Contact Bavaria-Africa




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What is a research association?


What is a research association? A research association is a network of scientists from many different fields who come together to work on a complex issue. Bavarian research associations are organ




Who funds the Bavarian Research Associations? Science and industry, natural sciences and the humanities: the Bavarian Research Associations take an interdisciplinary approach to current research to


The role of BayFOR


The role of BayFOR For a few years now, BayFOR has been a key partner of the Bavarian Research Associations, which are funded by the Bavarian Research Foundation and/or Bavarian ministries. BayFOR


Collaborative research working group


Working group aims In order to let recently-founded associations benefit from their many years of experience in setting up and managing networks, the Bavarian Research Associations set up the &quo

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