The association
The objective of ForWerkzeug is to develop novel technologies and machine concepts for tool design and production. The participating research facilities include three institutes of the Technische Universität München (TUM), two institutes of the University of Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU) and the Bayerisches Laserzentrum (BLZ). 35 industrial partners contribute manpower and funding to the 10 projects of ForWerkzeug. Companies of this industrial sector have to compete with countries of low wages. The current methods and procedures used in the tooling industry do not always meet the challenging production requirements of tomorrow. Flexibility, cost reduction and strong competition with countries of low wages are aspects of special interest. Shorter product development cycles, increased product life time and partial reuse of existing tools are potential solutions in this situation. The projects of ForWerkzeug handle the aspects of design, manufacturing and quality assurance in tool systems for metal forming and assembly processes. Three committees are responsible for the interdisciplinary exchange of expertise within the consortium: surface and abrasion, modeling and simulation, and rapid technologies. Optimized Economics The research aims to cut down on tool production costs through a holistic strategy comprising surface optimization, accuracy and flexibility features. Scientists develop novel concepts for the construction of flexible and modular tool systems and improve existing technologies in cooperation with the industry. Sensor technology enables the production of intelligent tool systems with longer lifetime and higher robustness. Preventive and predictive quality assurance techniques play a key role. Not only flexible tool design and construction but also flexibility in production parameters, such as accuracy levels, leads to optimal economics: as accurate as necessary, as inaccurate as possible.
Second Spokesperson
General Management
Head of Research Division
- M.Sc. Murat Arbak
- M.Sc. Kivilcim Ersoy
- Dr.-Ing. Matthias Golle
- Dipl.-Ing. Florian Hagemann
- Dipl.-Ing. Gernot Herrmann
- M.Sc. Seokmoo Hong
- Dr.-Ing. Hermann Pflaum
- Dipl.-Ing. Uwe Popp
- M.Sc. Haitham Rashidy
- Dr.-Ing. Stephan Roth
- Dipl.-Ing. Claudius Schimpf
- Dipl.-Ing. Daniel Tomic
- Dipl.-Ing. Ralf Völkl
- Dipl.-Ing. Kay Wagner
- Design and construction of tools and mold inserts
Production of tools and mold inserts
- B1: Technology Integration for Manufacturing Serial Tools by means of Metal Foil LOM
- B2: Development and production of form flexible tools for injection molding
- B3: Optimization of the indirect Metal Laser Sintering for building precise tools for the injection molding
- B4: Load oriented cold forging tools with locally optimized tool surfaces
- Integrated quality assurance and optimized processes and parts
Dipl.-Ing. Johannes Schilp
TU München
Institut für Werkzeugmaschinen und Betriebswissenschaften - Anwenderzentrum Augsburg
Beim Glaspalast 5
86153 Augsburg
Telefon: +49-821-56883-21
Email: <link>
Von der Autobahn-Ausfahrt Augsburg-Ost kommend, weist nach ca. 1 km das Hinweisschild “Glaspalast” daraufhin, an der ersten Ampelanlage nach links in die Bürgermeister-Wegele-Straße abzubiegen. Dieser Straße schließen sich nahtlos die Aindlinger Straße, die Meraner Straße, die Kurt-Schumacher-Straße und die Amagasaki Allee an, so dass man nach ca. 4,7 km den Glaspalast erreicht. Auf Höhe der Bushaltestelle führt eine spezielle Abbiegespur nach links zum Besucher-Parkplatz auf unserem Areal.