
962 results:

Chemlab II


Chemlab II Transnational training for chemical lab technicians Germany is facing a shortage of skilled workers in many areas of industry, including the chemistry sector. The situation is no better in


Digital Conference on Industrial Technologies 2020


From 27 – 28 October 2020, the Digital Conference on Industrial Technologies 2020 will take place. It will offer participants the opportunity to join a platform for stakeholders from research organisa


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New Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa (WKS) at Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR): Intensification of cooperation between Bavaria and Africa in research and innovation


Since the beginning of July 2020, the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) has been home to a new Scientific Coordination Office (WKS) which has been tasked with strengthening scientific and technical


System Requirements for Online Events


System Requirements for Online Events You can attend a webinar from anywhere, anytime using a compatible computer or mobile device!    Join a Classic or Standard webinar Operating sy


System Requirements for Online Meetings


System requriements for Online Meetings You can attend a meeting from anywhere, anytime using a compatible computer or mobile device! Check below for a list of our system requirements or run your syst


EU Innovation Fund – Funding for the reduction of greenhouse emissions


Since 15 June 2020, the Innovation and Networks Executive Agency (INEA) has been managing a part of the Innovation Fund programme via grants.


Presentations Virtual Energy Day Geothermal Revolution


Virtual Energy Day – Very Shallow Geothermal Energy: A Sleeping Giant of the Energy Revolution 29 June 2020 Presentations of the Speakers Possibilities of grants in the context of R&D renewable


Presentations Virtual Energy Day Gender-Just Energy


Virtual Energy Day – Breaking out of the bubble: why gender-just energy communities speed up the energy transition (and sustainable development overall) 25 June 2020 Presentations of the Speakers Ge


An official entity: European Innovation Council Equity Fund for high-impact innovation


The EIC Fund, which will provide equity from €0.5m to €15m to breakthrough innovation companies selected for EIC Accelerator blended finance support (grant and equity), has become an official entity.

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BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency