Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH
Prinzregentenstr. 52
80538 Munich
Phone: +49 (0) 89/9901888-0
Fax: +49 (0) 89/9901888-29
E-Mail: info@bayfor.org
Internet: www.bayfor.org
Here you can find out all about our research funding-related events and activities and access current news on research and innovation.
We regularly present our service portfolio at events. Check where you can find us next.
Here you can find out about our activities, current calls for proposals and EU Commission publications, and keep up to date with news from the EU projects that we are part of.
Please note that our email newsletter is only available in German language. The email newsletter contains the latest news from the world of (EU) research and innovation funding and provides information on current R&I projects that we have successfully supported. You will also receive information about current events. The BayFOR News magazine was discontinued at the beginning of December 2021 in favour of our email newsletter and our social media channels Twitter and LinkedIn.
Please find here several short films introducing EU projects, the Bavarian Research Associations and the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency.