Horizon 2020 - the European research and innovation framework programme

The framework program for research and innovation "Horizon 2020" has ended. These pages are no longer updated. For information on the new framework program for research and innovation "Horizon Europe", please click here.
1. Work programmes and calls in Horizon 2020
2. European Commission proposal: Research and Innovation Framework Programme
3. What is BayFOR's contribution?
4. Links
1. Work programmes and calls in Horizon 2020
In October, 2017, the European Commission published the Work Programme 2018-2020 as well as first Calls for Proposals:
2. Research and Innovation Framework Programme
Horizon 2020 is the name of the current framework programme for research and innovation, with a funding of € 80 billion for a seven year period (2014-2020). Horizon 2020 combines the three following strategic priorities and sees research and innovation combined for the first time:
- Boosting scientific excellence in Europe e.g. through the European Research Council (ERC)
- Boosting competitiveness through modernisation projects and in particular by removing barriers to innovation
- An essential contribution to addressing societal challenges
The framework programme is the pearl in the EU 2020 strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and aims to overcome some of the problems which have arisen with the previous funding policy, such as the complexity of the various funding instruments and mechanisms. Simplification and a focus on proven methods and tools should also limit the diversity of funding rules and procedures.
These simplifications should pave the way for greater participation by business and industry. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular should find it easier to access European funding as the Commission views them as the key to increased growth and more jobs.
The aim is to cover the entire chain of innovation – in addition to fundamental research, the programme concentrates on application, innovation and tapping into new markets.
Horizon 2020 focuses on the current challenges of society by bridging the gap between science and the market, e.g. by helping innovative companies with technological breakthroughs which will benefit the people of Europe. This primarily involves the following challenges:
- Health, demographic change and wellbeing
- Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research, and bio-economy
- Secure, clean and efficient energy
- Smart, green and integrated transport
- Climate action, resource efficiency and raw materials
- Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies
- Protecting freedom and security of Europe and its citizens
3. What is BayFOR's contribution?
- The Bavarian Research Alliance (EU liaison office in Brussels) has been following the legislative process and continually providing information about work programmes and current trends and developments
- Topical events provide information regarding the different work programmes and general issues
- Advice and support on applications for the calls for proposals
4. Links
Official website of Horizon 2020
Work programmes in Horizon 2020
Calls for proposals in Horizon 2020
The successor to the Lisbon Strategy is the Europe 2020 strategy, for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth;
Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF; in German)
Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World
Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World
BBI JU call for proposals 2020

It will provide a funding of in total €102 million for advancing the European bio-based sector.
Updates on Brexit

How UK businesses and researchers can continue to access Horizon 2020 funding after 31 January 2020.