UAS4EUROPE, the European network of Universities of Applied Sciences in the field of applied research and innovation, welcomes two new partners in the network
![UAS4EUROPE, the European network of Universities of Applied Sciences in the field of applied research and innovation, welcomes two new partners in the network [Translate to Englisch:] UAS4Europe Logo](/fileadmin/_processed_/7/f/csm_BayFOR-uas4europel-logo-l_54579c7d61.jpg)
"Ensure increased visibility of Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) in Europe" is an ambitious goal. But a necessary one. Within a short period of time, UAS4EUROPE has succeeded in a better positioning of the UAS sector at the European level and in drawing attention to the research-expertise of UAS institutions especially in the regions. As regional actors we connect European ambitions to local impact.
"Attracting new UAS partners strengthens the network and increases the European visibility of UAS in the field of research and innovation. It thrives on the active participation of all partners and each of us can use specific contacts, national liaison offices and representations at European level for the common cause", says Raimund Ribitsch, President of the Austrian UAS association (FHK) and current Chairman of UAS4EUROPE.
Ribitsch continues: "UAS are the interface between science and industry in teaching and research. Our graduates are very much in demand by the business world and are very successful on the job market. In research, we are regarded as reliable and hands-on partners who ensure that fundamental research results also lead to innovations. We are convinced that it is precisely this profile feature that the EU's new Research Framework Programme, Horizon Europe (HEu), must have. In future consortia, UAS can contribute to "bringing research results to the ground" and to the creation of innovative products and services."
UAS4EUROPE, strengthened by two new partner organisations, will continue to shape the European research area in the spirit of the UAS and contribute the expertise of the sector to its further development.
Want to know how to become a partner of UAS4EUROPE?
Check our website: https://uas4europe.eu/about-2/become-a-partner/
UAS4EUROPE is a joint initiative of swissuniversities, Hochschule Bayern e.V., UASnet, EURASHE, University Colleges Denmark, Netherlands Association of Universiteis of Applied Sciences and FHK and is committed to a strong position and increased visibility of UAS in the European research landscape. UAS4EUROPE represents 2.3 million students, more than 600 universities and more than 60,000 researchers.
Further information on the activities of UAS4EUROPE can be found on the website: https://www.uas4europe.eu and on Twitter UAS4EUROPE(@UAS4EUROPE)
Österreichische Fachhochschul-Konferenz (FHK)
Mag. Kurt Koleznik
Mail: Kurt.Koleznik@no-spam-pleasefhk.ac.at
Phone: +43-664-4244294