7th call for proposals for joint industrial R&D projects between Germany and Canada

To encourage partnerships between German and foreign companies, BMWi and several ministries and funding organizations from various countries have launched a number of bi- and multilateral funding agreements to support joint R&D projects. Application processes for R&D funding are coordinated between these countries. However, all project partners must submit a separate application to the relevant national funding scheme.
German applicants who are eligible for funding under ZIM benefit from a 10% increase in funding when applying for a transnational cooperation project. Only German SMEs are eligible; foreign companies or partners need to obtain funding within their national innovation programmes or fund their activities on their own.
Objective of the ZIM funding programme
Development of innovative technical products, services or processes with a strong market potential.
Minimal requirements for a project consortium
Participation of at least one SME from Germany and one from Canada. Further enterprises and (in Germany) research establishments are welcome.
Submission deadlines
• Mandatory expression of interest by the Canadian project participant by 8 Mai 2020
• Optional project sketch by the German project partners (for a first assessment of the project idea’s chances as well as hints on the application process): at the latest by 15 Mai 2020
• International consortium project proposal deadline: 30 June 2020
General focus of ZIM funding for R&D projects
• Increase the engagement of R&D cooperation of enterprises and research establishments.
• Support technological innovation initiatives with a strong market potential
• Reduce R&D-related technical and economic risks in technology-based projects
• Strengthen knowledge and technology transfer
• Rapidly translate R&D results into marketable innovations
• Improve innovation, cooperation and network management in SMEs
• Support the internationalisation of innovation activities of SME
ZIM – Germany´s largest innovation programme for small and medium-sized enterprises
The ZIM-programme aims to strengthen considerably the innovation capacity and the competition potential of SMEs. Its purpose is to boost economic growth, especially by fostering new value creation potentials and by raising the level of application-oriented knowledge.
ZIM is a nation-wide funding programme for SMEs and research establishments co-operating with them. It is open to all technologies and sectors.
The new guidelines was optimized in line with the following goals:
1. Enhancing innovation potential: Better eligibility requirements for young (not older than 10 years) and small enterprises
2. Strengthening the national and international knowledge transfer
3. Funding conditions more suitable for medium-sized businesses, especially in economically underdeveloped regions
More information about the 7th call for enterprises and research establishments interested in funding:
• Information for both countries
• Canadian Eligibility requirements
• 7th call for proposals for joint R&D projects between Germany and Canada
• ZIM – international cooperation
Contact in BayFOR:
Natalia García Mozo
Head of Unit for SME Advisory Services
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901 888-171
E-mail: mozo@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org