European Innovation Agenda: UAS4EUROPE presents the innovative power of HAWs in the European Research Area
Especially in the three categories "patent applications and quality", "entrepreneurship" and "research and development offers to regional SMEs", the guide presents a measurable added value of HAWs on the regional economy. While the EIA aims to promote Europe as a global innovation leader, HAWs/universities of applied sciences play a unique role in the European innovation landscape. Not only do they educate the talents of tomorrow through challenging research and education, but they also actively act as intermediaries or connectors between innovation actors within and outside their regions.
The EIA focuses on five flagship initiatives:
Improving access to finance;
- Increasing the use of regulatory sandboxes and public procurement;
- Accelerating and strengthening European innovation ecosystems;
- Attracting top technology talent;
- Improving policy support to states.
Universities of Applied Sciences are already contributing to the implementation of at least three of these flagship initiatives, namely through:
- Networking innovation ecosystem actors within and across regions,
- Fostering the talent of tomorrow through practice-oriented research and education,
- Establishing experimental spaces for students and start-ups.
In a second part, the guide presents seven practical examples from across Europe of how HAWs can link different actors both within their innovation ecosystems and across borders. One German example is "Start for Future" of the Strascheg Centre for Entrepreneurship (SCE) of the Munich University of Applied Sciences. "Start for Future" is an alliance of actors from academia, the start-up scene, industry and public institutions to create a network of European innovation ecosystems.
UAS4EUROPE is a joint initiative of swissuniversities, Hochschule Bayern e.V., EURASHE, Danske Professionshøjskoler, Vereniging Hogescholen, ARENE, Hochschulen für Angewandte Wissenschaften Baden-Württemberg e.V., the Austrian Conference of Universities of Applied Sciences and Hochschulallianz für den Mittelstand. The network advocates for a strong position and greater visibility of universities of applied sciences in the European research landscape. UAS4EUROPE represents 2.3 million students and over 60,000 researchers at more than 450 universities from 24 European countries.

Tim Uebelen
BayFOR Representative / EU Liaison Office in Brussels
Phone: +32 2 5035234
Email: uebelen@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org