BATT4EU publishes Europe's new strategy for battery innovation

To achieve this goal and the targets set by the European Commission, BATT4EU has developed a Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA), which was already published in 2021 and has now been adapted to the new realities in the battery sector.
SRIA update 2024
The Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda is the result of input collected by the Batteries European Partnership Association (BEPA) and ETIP Batteries Europe from hundreds of European battery experts organised in working groups, each covering different battery topics. The SRIA points to six needs to help improve competitiveness and the European battery sector in general:
- Ensure that research results (BATT4EU) reach the gigafactories and markets, through pilot projects, demonstration projects and improved decision-making using digital tools.
- Strengthen Europe's strategic autonomy by reducing dependence on foreign critical raw materials by supporting local and circular supply chains and promoting research on different battery chemistries.
- Improve the affordability of batteries to accelerate the green transition and maintain the competitiveness of European industry by improving batteries based on materials that are more widely available and aiming for better integration in end-use applications.
- Improve the flexibility of battery production and recycling systems to reduce lock-in effects and respond quickly to changes in a rapidly evolving industry.
- Implement safe and sustainable frameworks for batteries that capitalise on European strengths and help to reduce emissions and the use of substances of concern, improve safety and enable the integration of smart features.
- Support the continuation of excellent European battery research and academic-industrial collaboration by improving access to research facilities and pilot lines, utilising research projects to build a skilled workforce and avoiding research gaps through continued funding.
The SRIA sets out the priorities for battery research and innovation in Europe. It provides the main guidelines for the work programmes and funding of Horizon Europe in the coming years. This Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda builds strongly on the roadmaps published by Batteries Europe and the Battery 2030+ project. This document replaces the 2021 SRIA of the BATT4EU partnership and the 2020 Strategic Research Agenda of Batteries Europe and lists the key strategic actions that the European battery R&I community needs to take.
The new SRIA of the BATT4EU partnership can be found here.
Source: NKS KEM

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-130
Email: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org