- Programme: Horizon 2020, Call: H2020-NMBP-HUBS-2018
- Funding amount: €10.7 million, of which €1.1 million for BavariaPeriod: 01/2019-12/2022
- Coordinator: Zachary J. Davis, Teknologisk Institut, Denmark
- Project code: 814485
- Website: www.lee-bed.com
EU project LEE-BED: "Open Innovation Test Bed" for the development and production of nanomaterials for leightweight embedded electronics (LEE)
In order to remain competitive compared to the USA and China, the European industry needs to accelerate its innovation processes. For this purpose, the EU Commission has created the "Open Innovation Test Bed" (OITB) concept. An OITB refers to the networking of research and technology organisations (RTOs) into a technological ecosystem that spans the entire value chain of a product or a service. Companies that don't have any research capacities can use the OITB services to develop initial material and product concepts into a prototype or application as flexibly, quickly and comprehensively as possible. This enables them to bring innovations to the market faster.
The OITB offers a central approach to finding solutions for companies that want to research and develop a new technological concept. Here, one of the institutions involved in the OITB acts as a "Single Entry Point" (SEP) and as the main contact partner for enquiring companies. The SEP accepts all incoming enquiries and forwards them to the relevant partners in the project for further processing. The OITB therefore provides a one-stop shop, where interested companies can utilise all its services within the value chain.
The EU project LEE-BED (LEE = Lightweight Embedded Electronics) brings together 17 European RTOs into an Open Innovation Test Bed. These RTOs come from the sphere of printed electronic components and are global leaders in their field. The OITB is thereby able to offer holistic services and pilot series for developing and producing nanomaterials, nanoformulations and digital printing processes for LEE. These new technologies enable electronics and new intelligent functionalities to be integrated directly into products, giving European companies in the construction, Internet of Things (IoT), sensor, wearables, automotive and energy sectors an innovation advantage and competitive edge.
LEE-BED supports companies through three phases:
- The technological and economic assessment encompasses the technical evaluation of an idea, a lifecycle analysis, safety and regulation tests as well as patent mapping.
- The pilot project: Customers gain access to pilot lines for printing nanomaterials, nano-based formulations and components in order to implement their ideas as initial prototypes and bring these prototypes into pilot production.
- Knowledge transfer: LEE-BED offers services in IPR (intellectual property rights), business planning, standardisation and safety, and helps companies establish contact with potential investors.
In this way, LEE-BED intends to support the European industry in the sustainable implementation of innovative technologies, enabling them to become stronger and more competitive in a global environment.
Like the LightCoce project, the LEE-BED project emerged from the NMP Brokerage Event in Munich, which BayFOR organised in 2017 together with the National Contact Points in Germany, the United Kingdom and Poland
- Networking activities
- Application support

Dr Ioanna Deligkiozi
AXIA Innovation UG
Phone: +49 (0)89 44478609
Email: ide@no-spam-pleaseaxia-innovation.com
Contact at BayFOR

Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 89 9901888-130
Email: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org