BayFOR-website - picture credits

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EU funding programmes © pict rider/AdobeStock
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Organisation © sdecoret/AdobeStock
Background © vege/AdobeStock
Executive management © sdecoret/AdobeStock
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Organisation chart © Julien Eichinger/AdobeStock
Bayerische Forschungs- und Innovationsagentur  
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EU Funding Advisory Services  
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Advisory services © pressmaster/shutterstock
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SME funding instruments © momius/AdobeStock
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Target groups © vege/AdobeStock
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Funding programmes for SMEs © Jeanette Dietl/AdobeStock
SME instrument © Pixasquare/AdobeStock
Further European funding programmes © momius/AdobeStock
COSME © blobbotronic/AdobeStock
ERA-NETs © ag visuell/AdobeStock
Joint Programming Initiatives (JPIs) (neu) © ink drop/AdobeStock
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Contact © fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Further information © EASME/European Commission
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Ongoing projects © ToheyVector/AdobeStock
Enterprise Europe Network © EASME/European Commission
ADVOS © Advitos; ©Sat1
AI D © ryanking999/AdobeStock
ALIGNER © jijomathai/AdobeStock
ARDIA-Net © Alex/AdobeStock
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Circular Flooring © 831days/AdobeStock
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DeLiver © svetazi /AdobeStock
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INCiTiS-Food © INCiTiS-Food
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DanuP2Gas     © Kokhanchikov/AdobeStock
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ECOPOTENTIAL © Nickolay Khoroshkov/Adobe Stock
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NoAW © Wolfgang Jargstorff/AdobeStock
PANDORA © electricey/AdobeStock
Personalized, Cancer-specific networks © BlackJack3D/iStock
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Prophets © beebright/AdobeStock
Phy2Climate © Ingo Bartussek/AdobeStock
PRECODE     © akramir/AdobeStock
P-TRAP     © DOC RABE Media/AdobeStock
RAMSES © refresh(PIX)/AdobeStock
S3-4AlpClusters © scabrn/AdobeStock
SCALE(up)ALPS © pongsakorn_jun26/AdobeStock
SEPOMO © Hannes Kraus/Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg
SIMWOOD © Pakhnyushchyy/AdobeStock
Smart4Diagnostics © Paweł Michałowski
SusFuelCat © Syda Productions/AdobeStock
TACTONOM     © Inventivio
TIRCON © imagepointphoto/istockphoto
TreatRec © kichigin19/AdobeStock
TrustNode © AlekseyKarpenko/AdobeStock
UNITI     ©
Upgrade DH © Hanna Hanst
VAO © Markus Neumann, UFS GmbH
WE-EEN © Nokhoog/AdobeStock
WINALP © MikeMareen/istockphoto


Events © kasto/AdobeStock
19/03/2024 HYDROGEN Mobility Tech Conference (HYMOTEC) © Hydrogen Mobility Tech 2024
07/03/2024 Forschungscafé – Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times © AnnaHuber/Westend61
27/02/2024 Franken Finance Festival digital - subsidy financing © Franken Finance Festival
08/02/2024 Forschungscafé – Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times © AnnaHuber/Westend61
31/01/2024 BayFOR at the 23rd Nanotech Expo 2024 in Tokyo © Canva
16/01/2024 Online workshop “Best Practices to Apply to European Research and Innovation Funds to foster cooperation between Bavaria and South America on Green Topics” © The Bavarian Representative Office for South America
06/12/2023 HYDROGEN DIALOGUE 2023 – Summit & Expo © HYDROGEN DIALOGUE 2023
25/11/2023 BayFOR at the "Munich global - solidarity - active" trade fair © München global – solidarisch – aktiv
23/11/2023 CIRCULAR FoodPack Conference: "Circularity for Food Packaging" © SUEZ Group
27/10/2023  EU Brokerage Event on KETs in Horizon Europe 2024 © EU Brokerage Event
26/10/2023 Bavaria-Israel Workshop Series: How to build a HEU-proposal in the field of Democracy, Cultural Heritage, Transformation © AnnaHuber/Westend61
05.07.2023 BayFOR at IFAT Africa 2023, Africa's Leading Trade Fair for Water, Sewage, Refuse and Recyclin © IFAT
05.07.2023 BayFOR at the Franken Finance Festival 2023 © Franken Finance Festival
20.06.2023 BayFOR at the Bavarian Green Technologies Congress For The Americas © Bavarian Green Technologies Congress For The Americas
15.06.2023 BayFOR at the first AU-EU Innovation Festival in Cape Town, South Africa © AU-EU Innovation Festival
24.05.2023 Gründungstage 2023 – StartUp Center Hochschule Kempten Kenya meets Allgäu – “Green Minds Unite: Talks on Circular Economy” © Hochschule Kempten
23.05.2023 BayFIA at MedtecLIVE with T4M 2023 © MedtecLIVE GmbH
22.05.2023 UAS4EUROPE Networking Conference 2023 - "Halfway to the Horizon: Universities of Applied Sciences on the right track?" © UAS4EUROPE
16.05.2023 Lignoflag synergy workshop on European funding - European Structural and Investment Funds synergies and additional funding opportunities © LIGNOFLAG
15.05.2023 Conference “Science for Impact in Africa: Bridging the Gap between Academia and Societal Needs in Agri-Food Systems” © BayFOR
11.05.2023 11th „Technologietransfer-Kongress“ 2023 in Augsburg © Regio Augsburg Wirtschaft GmbH
30.03.2023 Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times © AnnaHuber/Westend61
22.03.2023 Workshop MSCA Doctoral Networks and Twinning: Advanced Materials & Processes and Artificial Intelligence for Sustainability © BAIVECTOR/AdobeStock
16.03.2023 Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times © AnnaHuber/Westend61
09.03.2023 CoSMoS 2023 – Conference on Smart Mobility Services

© Bayern Innovativ

© SmirkDingo/AdobeStock

14.02.2023 Information & Matchmaking Event: EU Calls for Proposals 2023 on Battery and Hydrogen Technologies

 © SmirkDingo/AdobeStock

 © RareStock/AdobeStock

13.02.2023 Excellence Lab Bavaria-Africa: Successful Applications for Horizon Europe Calls © BayFOR
30.01.2023 Excellence Lab Bavaria - Africa: Research and Innovation in the Environmental Sector © BayFOR
15.12.2022 Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in the pandemic © AnnaHuber/Westend61
29/11/2022 9th Bavaria-Israel-France Symposium: Climate-neutral and Smart Cities © BayFOR
23/11/2022 Cooperation Lounge Bavaria-Africa – Research and Innovation for Global Climate Action © BayFOR
17/11/2022 Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in the pandemic  © AnnaHuber/Westend61
26/10/2022 Webinar on 14th German-Israeli Eureka Call for Proposals for Joint R&D Projects © Oleksii/AdobeStock
28/07/2022 Excellence Lab: Boosting Research and Innovation Cooperation between Africa and Bavaria on Environmental Protection and Circular Economy © BayFOR
18/07/2022 Excellence Lab Bavaria-Egypt – Cooperation between research and industry in the fields of water, agriculture and climate change © BayFOR
28/06/2022 Excellence Lab: Boosting Research and Innovation Cooperation between Ethiopia and Bavaria in the Energy Sector – Session II © BayFOR
27/06/2022 BayFOR at the International Sustainable Economy Forum (ISEF) © ISEF
27/06/2022 Innovation Talk - Digitalization & automation in Bio- and Pharma production © Innovation Centre Denmark Munich
25/06/2022 BayFOR participates in hydrogen delegation trip to Chile and Colombia © Nicolas Herrbach/AdobeStock
23/06/2022 Greek-Bavarian cooperation within the framework of European funding programmes for hydrogen technologies © SmirkDingo/AdobeStock
31/05/2022 International Water & Waste Management Workshop at IFAT 2022 © Messe München GmbH
19/05/2022 Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in the pandemic © AnnaHuber/Westend61
11/05/2022 Battery Workshop © deepagopi2011/AdobeStock
10/02/2022 Blockchain-VA © sdecoret/AdobeStock
27/01/2022 Conference Ethiopia © michaeljung
6/12/2021 Circular Flooring Expert Days 2021 © 831days/AdobeStock
20/10/2021 Sustainable Energy Day on the topic "Gender and Energy" © Federico Beccari/AdobeStock
02/09/2021 Conference: Pathways into a Sustainable Future                 © Stockwerk-Fotodesign/AdobeStock
21/07/2021 Chemistry and Materials Science in Horizon Europe © CrazyCloud/AdobeStock
24/3/2021 German-French Cleantech Webinar © Beboy/AdobeStock
18/3/2021 Next Destination: Horizon Europe – Funding for Digital Technologies and Mobility © EU commission
2/3/2021 EU project MINOA: Conference on “Trends in Mathematical Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation: Theory and Applications” © Minoa, ADA, TRR
17/12/2020 Merry Christmas © MareenFischinger/Westend61
18 - 20/11/2020 BE @SMM2020 – Brokerage Event @Smart Manufacturing Matchmaking 2020 © AdobeStock/BUDDEE
17/11/2020 UniLion Annual Event © UniLion
13/10/2020 German-Hellenic Day of Economy and Investments © Fotomanufaktur JL
22-24/9/2020 European Research and Innovation Days © R&I Days
22/09/2020 Micro & Nano Event 2020 © Enterprise Europe Network
15/09/2020 Chances and Challenges: The EU Green Deal and its Role for Research & Innovation © background/AdobeStock
07-11/09/2020 Thessaloniki International Fair Matchmaking Event © Thessaloniki International Fair
15/07/2020 Building the future 2020 © FIW München & va-Q-tec AG
13/07/2020 Series of digital events: Resilience and responsibility in times of crisis © Tina Berning
30/06/2020 BayFIA @ MedtecLIVE & Medtech Summit © Sergey Nivens/AdobeStock
29/06/2020 Virtual Energy Day – Very Shallow Geothermal Energy: A Sleeping Giant of the Energy Revolution © Stockwerk-Fotodesign/AdobeStock
25/06/2020 Virtual Energy Day – Breaking out of the bubble © Talaj/AdobeStock
09/06/2020 Virtual Matchmaking Event Canada & Germany AI solutions © NRC:
04&05/05/2020 2020 Partnering Event IFAT 2020 © IFAT
28/04/2020 #startupskillthevirus webinar Source:
11/03/2020 Brokerage Event on Artificial Intelligence in Horizon 2020 at the Integrated Plant Engineering Conference in Nuremberg © EVZ/AdobeStock
19/02/2020 International Workshop “Green materials for Batteries in Horizon 2020” © deepagopi2011/AdobeStock
29/01/2020 nanotech 2020 © daniel700/AdobeStock
03/12/2019 BayFOR at panel discussion on “European AI Ecosystem and the Role of Cities and Regions” © kras99/AdobeStock
29/11/2019 Danish-Bavarian Workshop © AndreyPopov/iStock
13/11/2019 Tech Tour Mobility © Gerhard Seyber/AdobeStock
07/11/2019 Nordic-Bavarian Partnering Workshop © spotmatikphoto/AdobeStock
23/10/2019 Conference „Artificial Intelligence © EVZ/AdobeStock
19/10/2019 Delegation trip to Chile © Blue World/AdobeStock
9/10/2019 International Brokerage Event Source:
01/10/2019 Horizon 2020 Project Factory on Energy Technologies © Rufous52/AdobeStock


News © FR Design/AdobeStock
17/04/2024 More budget for Horizon Europe: Commission mobilises more funds for research and innovation © EU Commission
16/04/2024 Horizon Europe: Feedback opportunity for the Work programme 2025 © EU Commission
03/04/2024 Introduction of Personnel Unit Costs in all new Horizon Europe projects © EU Commission
25/03/2024 Republic of Korea to join Horizon Europe programme © diy13/AdobeStock
21/03/2024 Guidelines on the responsible use of generative AI in research developed by the European Research Area Forum © EU-Commission
20/03/2024 Horizon Europe strategic plan 2025-2027 for research and innovation © EU-Commission
08/03/2024 BATT4EU publishes Europe's new strategy for battery innovation © deepagopi2011/AdobeStock
08/03/2024 ERC President's report on changes to research assessment © ERC
07/03/2024 UAS4EUROPE: Towards 2028 – Shaping the Future of the EU Framework Programme for R&I © UAS4EUROPE
01/03/2024 €600 million to support research and innovation on agroecology and animal health and welfare © EU-Commission
27/02/2024 EU project SMHYLES develops novel salt- and water-based hybrid energy storage systems (HESS) on an industrial scale © 481244965/AdobeStock
19/02/2024 Launch of Foresight platform "futures4europe" © EU-Commission
09/02/2024 EU Commission proposes new initiatives to boost economic security © EU-Commission
09/02/2024 High-level expert group on the next EU Research Framework Programme starts work  © ImageFlow/AdobeStock
09/02/2024 Overview of the draft Strategic Plan 2025-27 of Horizon Europe © EU-Commission
06/02/2024 DESCA: New Model Consortium Agreement for lump sum projects in Horizon Europe © DESCA
30/01/2024 Horizon 2020 evaluation shows that investment in EU research and innovation greatly pays off © EU-Commission
25/01/2024 Commission launches AI innovation package to support Artificial Intelligence startups and SMEs © EU-Commission
17/01/2024 New group to research family life in Bavaria  
16/01/2024 Your opinion is needed! EU initiative for a common European higher education qualification © EU-Kommission
08/01/2024 EIT Higher Education Programme will be extended until 2027 © EIT HEI
08/01/2024 Belgium takes over EU Council Presidency © EU-Kommission
18/12/2023 Season's Greetings and a Happy New Year 2024! © Krissikunterbunt/AdobeStock
15/12/2023 Faces of UAS4EUROPE Interview with Prof Dr Walter Schober - President of Technische Hochschule Ingolstadt and Chairman of Hochschule Bayern e.V. © UAS4EUROPE
12/12/2023 New research association FORinFPRO: 2 million euros for the development of AI-based and self-adapting manufacturing processes © FORinFPRO
12/12/2023 EIC work programme 2024 published © EIC
08/12/2023 New research association ForGeRex to analyse and combat right-wing extremism in Bavaria © N. Theiss/AdobeStock
06/12/2023 Are you an agri-food or marketing expert? Become an evaluator! © EU-Kommission
04/12/2023 New European Partnership for Personalised Medicine (EP PerMed) established © EP PerMED
04/12/2023 The role of universities of applied sciences (UAS) in the reform of research assessment CoARA © AB Visual Arts/AdobeStock
23/11/2023 Association with "Horizon Europe": News on the United Kingdom, Switzerland and Canada © Horizon Europe
21/11/2023 SAVE THE DATE: European Research and Innovation Days 2024 © European Research and Innovation Days 2024
16/10/2023 Batteries Europe and Battery 2030+ publish R&I Roadmaps © lumerb/AdobeStock
10/10/2023 In solidarity with Israel © WKS Bayern-Israel
12/09/2023 MEPs approve Iliana Ivanova as new Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth © European Parliament
08/09/2023 EU-UK: Political agreement on participation in Horizon Europe and Copernicus © EU Kommission
07/09/2023 The BayFOR Annual Report 2022 is out! © BayFOR
30.06.2023 New research association ForNeRo: €2 million for new technologies to integrate robotics into the clinical workflow © ForNeRo
30.06.2023 New research association FORSocialRobots: 2 million euros for social robots © FORSocialRobots
27.06.2023 Spain takes over the Presidency of the Council of the EU from 1 July 2023 on © EU-Kommission
13.06.2023 Advanced Materials 2030 Initiative veröffentlicht Strategic Materials Agenda © AMI2030
13.06.2023 Europäische Kommission: Jahresbericht über die Tätigkeiten der EU im Bereich der Forschung und technologischen Entwicklung im Jahr 2022 © EU-Kommission
31/1/2023 EU Project TwinVECTOR – Pooling European competence in the development of world-class next-generation batteries ©ZETHA_WORK/AdobeStock
26/1/2023 EU Project IntelliMan – How robots will learn in the future: Developing an AI-controlled manipulation system for advanced robot services © Università di Bologna/BayFOR
19/1/2023 Launch of the new Sustainable Blue Economy Partnership © EU
13/1/2023 Sweden takes over the EU Council Presidency © EU
12/1/2023 EU Council excludes 21 Hungarian universities from Horizon Europe and Erasmus funding over Hungarian rule of law breaches © merla/AdobeStock
16/12/2022 Switzerland extends funding guarantee for participation in Horizon Europe © EU
7/12/2022 The EU Competitiveness Council strengthens the new European Innovation Agenda and research infrastructures © Monster Ztudio/AdobeStock
6/12/2022 Horizon Europe: EU Commission has published Main Work Programme 2023-2024 © EU
5/12/2022 European Innovation Agenda: UAS4EUROPE presents the innovative power of HAWs in the European Research Area © UAS4Europe
2/12/2022 European Commission: public consultation on Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe © EU
30/11/2022 BayFOR awarded as "Employer of the Future" © BayFOR
30/11/2022 WKS Bayern-Afrika: Stakeholder map makes networks and cooperations of Bavarian and African R&I-institutions visible © BayFOR
30/11/2022 Horizon Europe: Draft Work Programmes 2023-2024 published © EU
25/11/2022 Commissioner Gabriel: European innovation agenda for the next generation of innovators © EU
24/11/2022 LIFE programme: Around €380 million for Green Deal projects © EU
17/11/2022 Lump-sum funding in Horizon Europe as of 2023 © EU
16/11/2022 Upcoming Horizon Europe Info Days and Brokerage Events for the 2023/24 Work Programme © EU
11/10/2022 Your opinion is important to us! © Charlie Bard
5/9/2022 European Commission: Activity report 2021 in the area of RTD and on Horizon Europe and Horizon 2020 © denisismagilov/AdobeStock
18/8/2022 Ten simple rules for a successful Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowship (PF) application © EU
3/8/2022 Expert knowledge: Lump sums in Horizon Europe  © pickup/AdobeStock
18/7/2022 EU project InShaPe – Next innovation leap in metal-based additive manufacturing © Stefan Woidig/TUM
15/7/2022 New European Partnership „Driving Urban Transitions to a Sustainable Future” – First Call for proposals and launch event © Urban Europe
15/7/2022 Horizon Europe Periodic Report Template published © EU
15/7/2022 European Commission presents new European Innovation Agenda to spearhead the new innovation wave ©  denisismagilov/AdobeStock
4/7/2022 European Commission: Launch of the Alliance for Zero Emission Aviation © AA+W/AdobeStock
19/4/2022 ERA4Ukraine © EU
13/4/2022 Destination Earth © EU
25/3/2022 SRIA green hydrogen strategy © artegorov3@gmailAdobeStock
24/3/2022 ERA4Ukraine © EU
7/3/2022 Ukrainia © Bavarian State Ministry for Science and the Arts
7/3/2022 EU Commission and Russia © EU
7/3/2022 Clean Hydrogen partnership © EU
16/2/2022 Funding &Tenders Portal © pickup/AdobeStock
11/2/2022 EIC Work Programme 2022 © EU
10/2/2022 Artificial intelligence in health research © wigglestick/iStock
8/2/2022 Munich Quantum Vallley © MQV
14/12/2021 Merry Christmas © Li Ding/AdobeStock
13/12/2021 CultureEU © rudi1976/AdobeStock
12/10/2021 From 2022 on: "Gender Equality Plan" (GEP) as an eligibility criterion for Horizon Europe © fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
1/9/2021 EU funded project CIRCULAR FoodPack to develop system for circularity of packaging for direct food contact applications © SUEZ Group
9/6/2021 ERA-NET Joint Call 2021: "Accelerating the Heating and Cooling Transition" © Stockwerk-Fotodesign/AdobeStock
7/4/2021 EU Commission mobilises €123 million for research and innovation threat of variants @Mike Fouque/AdobeStock
16/3/2021 ATI Technology Centers © EU Commission
16/3/2021 Digital Innovation Hubs (DIHs) in Europe ©metamorworks(istock
12/3/2021  Q&A on the UK’s participation in Horizon Europe © md3d/AdobeStock
2/3/2021 Open Research Europe (ORE) publishing platform launch © EU
4/2/2021 Horizon Europe: External experts wanted for project evaluations © pickup
28/1/2021 State aid: Commission approves €2.9 billion public support by twelve Member States for a second pan-European research and innovation project along the entire battery value chain © kreatik/AdobeStock
17/12/2020 Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2021! © Westend61/Mareen Fischinger
11/12/2020 Horizon Europe: Council presidency reaches political agreement with the European Parliament © kreatik/AdobeStock
17/09/2020 European Green Call © European Commission
19/08/2020 Digital Conference on Industrial Technologies 2020 © Nirut/iStock
10/07/2020 EU Innovation Fund – Funding for the reduction of greenhouse emissions © kreatik/AdobeStock
24/06/2020 An official entity: European Innovation Council Equity Fund for high-impact innovation © kreatik/AdobeStock
25/05/2020 European Commission opens online consultation for Green Deal Call © kreatik/AdobeStock
25/05/2020 Coronavirus: Commission boosts urgently needed research and innovation with additional €122 million © Mike Fouque/AdobeStock
23/03/2020 Information day on the current calls for proposals in the European Innovation Council (EIC) © atakan/iStock
20/03/2020 Calls COVID-19 © Mike Fouque/AdobeStock
17/03/2020 Extended deadlines for Horizon 2020 calls © kreatik/AdobeStock
03/02/2020 Coronavirus: EU mobilises €10 million for research © kreatik/AdobeStock
12/12/2019 BayFOR Holiday wishes © Nikolay81/iStock
11/12/2019 EU approves €3.2 billion in funding to promote battery research and innovation © deepagopi2011/AdobeStock
05/12/2019 Wallonia meets Energy Campus Nürnberg © alphaspirit/AdobeStock
12/09/2019 The new call to train early-stage researchers is now open – MSCA ITN 2020 © kreatik/AdobeStock
11/07/2019 AI Excellence in Europe: €50 million to bring world-class researchers together © kreatik/AdobeStock
02/07/2019 Horizon 2020: Commission to invest €11 billion in new ways to address societal challenges and boost jobs and growth © kreatik/AdobeStock
28/06/2019 Have your say on future objectives for EU-funded research and innovation © kreatik/AdobeStock
17/06/2019 EU Project CIRCULAR FLOORING enables environmentally friendly recycling of post-consumer PVC floor coverings © 831days/AdobeStock
16/05/2019 Directorate General for Research and Innovation - new organisation chart from 1 June 2019 © kreatik/AdobeStock
15/05/2019 EU budget: Adding €100 million for research and student mobility programmes in 2019 © kreatik/AdobeStock
13/05/2019 Open call for Horizon Europe Mission Boards © kreatik/AdobeStock
20/03/2019 EU budget for 2021-2027 © kreatik/AdobeStock
18/03/2019 Call for applications: Commission Expert Group “European Innovation Council (EIC) Pilot Advisory Board” © kreatik/AdobeStock
15/03/2019 The European Research Council’s 2018 annual report is out © kreatik/AdobeStock
08/03/2019 Gender balance in research is improving, but pace is too slow: EU She Figures © kreatik/AdobeStock
06/11/2018 Programme as of 2021 © kreatik/AdobeStock
25/07/2018 Horizon 2020 Work Programme update for 2019 © kreatik/AdobeStock
27/07/2017 EU Commission publishes updated Horizon 2020 Work Programme for 2018-2020 © kreatik/AdobeStock
22/02/2017 High-tech building insulation: EU research project INNOVIP to develop new technologies for long-lasting and cost-effective vacuum insulation panels © FIW München


BayFOR-website - picture credits Scientific Coordination Office and Bavarian Associations

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Slider© BO. Advertising
WKS© BO. Advertising
Overview© BO. Advertising
Funding opportunities© tadamichi/AdobeStock
RLS-Sciences© RLS-Sciences
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Contact© fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Scope© peshkova/AdobeStock
Background© fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Background 2© Bayerische Staatskanzlei
Funding opportunities© tadamichi/AdobeStock
News© rcfotostock/AdobeStock
News Young Energy Researchers’ Conference 2020 in Wels, Upper Austria© WKS Bayern-Québec / Bayern-Alberta / RLS-Sciences
Network© fotofabrika/AdobeStock
Projects© Coloures-Pic /AdobeStock
Background© fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Background 2© ronniechua/Adobestock
Background 3© StMWi/Foto: E.Holzmayr
Funding opportunities© tadamichi/AdobeStock
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Network© fotofabrika/AdobeStock
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Projects© Coloures-Pic /AdobeStock
RLS-Sciences© RLS-Sciences
Background© fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Background 2© RLS-Sciences
Background 3© Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie, Québec
Funding opportunities© tadamichi/AdobeStock
Funding opportunities 1© RLS-Sciences
Projects© Coloures-Pic /AdobeStock
Projects 1© RLS-Sciences
Projects 2© RLS-Sciences
Projects 3© Zentrum für Telematik e.V, 2018
Projects 4© Europäischer Forschungsrat
Background© fotogestoeber/AdobeStock
Funding opportunities© tadamichi/AdobeStock
News© rcfotostock/AdobeStock
Network© fotofabrika/AdobeStock
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Projects© Coloures-Pic /AdobeStock
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Dialog zur Digitalisierung© RLS-Sciences
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Kleinstsatelliten© RLS-Sciences
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Bavarian Research Associations
What is a research association© vege/AdobeStock
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MOVECO© KateNovikova/ depositphotos
MINOA© exetronic/AdobeStock
NetworkingPlatform for Applied Research in Europe©
SIMWOOD© Pakhnyushchyy/ AdobeStock
Psycho-social Support in Crisis Situations© Psycris
IMAGEEN© bennyartist/AdobeStock
BayFOR as new executive director© BayFOR

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency