New ERAPerMed call: EU funding for translational research projects on personalised medicine

ERAPerMed Call 2021

With the fourth transnational call "Multidisciplinary Research Projects on Personalised Medicine - Development of Clinical Support Tools for Personalised Medicine Implementation", ERAPerMed funds research and innovation activities that establish close links between clinical research, computer science/medical informatics and research on ethical, legal and social aspects in the field of personalised medicine.

The total budget for this call is expected to be around €24 million. The call will have two stages. The submission deadline for pre-proposals is March 4, 2021, and full proposals, to be prepared upon invitation, must be submitted by June 17, 2021. More information about the call can be found here.

ERA PerMed is a consortium of 32 national funding organizations from 23 countries as well as several regions that aim to advance personalized medicine in Europe and coordinate national research activities. ERA PerMed works closely with the International Consortium for Personalized Medicine, ICPerMed. Within ERA PerMed, the strong European scientific community will be further developed, including through joint transnational funding announcements. More information on participation of Germany in this call is available here (only German).

On January 25, ERAPerMed will organize an online event to present the call. More information can be found here.

Dr. Mikhail Antonkin

Dr. Mikhail Antonkin
Scientific Officer Health Research & Biotechnology
Phone: +49 911 50715-950

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