Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy
„Your trash is my treasure“ – this is the motto of the new EU project MOVECO (Mobilising Institutional Learning for Better Exploitation of Research and Innovation for the Circular Economy). Sixteen partners from ten countries of the Danube region want to promote transnational cooperation to accelerate the transition to a circular economy. For the next 2,5 years, the MOVECO consortium will be working on topics like eco design, producer responsibility, support to innovation and will be discussing best practices in these areas.
Project co-funded by European Union funds (ERDF, IPA).
Project Overview
Project aims and fields of work
The current (linear) economy is: produce-use-dispose. The future belongs to the circular economy: produce-use-recycle or reuse. The European Commission’s new Circular Economy Strategy aims at "closing the loop" of product lifecycles through greater recycling and re-use, to bring benefits for society, environment and economy. Closing the loop of material streams poses many challenges to research and innovation: increasing durability, reparability & recyclability of products (extended producer responsibility, EPR), improving waste management and resource efficiency in industrial sectors, as well as fostering industrial symbiosis and remanufacturing.
MOVECO responds to this challenge and sets its objective to improve the framework conditions and policy instruments for eco innovation and the transition to a circular economy, fostering smart and sustainable growth and reducing disparities among the regions in the Danube region.
MOVECO aims at establishing a strong transnational partnership which will be able to implement the circular economy & meet its targets. Based on research on inefficiencies in innovation in current EPR schemes and related R&D services, MOVECO will develop a transnational strategy for the transition to the circular economy (identification of possible material streams) and roadmaps for their implementation in the different Danube regions. With new services and tools for eco-design and eco innovation (Circular Economy Toolbox), MOVECO will support new business models and research-business-cooperation along new value chains.
The MOVECO partnership comprises representatives of all target groups: policy-makers, business support organisations (BSO) and companies, R&D institutions as well as civil society organizations. They are all committed to unleash the potential of the circular economy in the Danube region, thus boosting competitiveness, ensuring security of supply, and leading to economic growth and new jobs.
Target groups
MOVECO project results and activities are relevant to the following stakeholders:
- Political decision-makers in the Danube region
- Business support organisations and companies
- R&D institutions
- Civil society organisations
BayFOR as a partner
The Bavarian Research Alliance has already supported the project during the application process and is now also involved in MOVECO as a project partner. In the project, BayFOR is a scientific project partner, supports project management and is also responsible for the internal and external project communication.
Funding period
Project duration: 8.12.2016 – 31.08.2019
Project code: DTP 1-349-1.1
As part of the Danube Transnational Programme, MOVECO is an Interreg project, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA).
- Overall budget: EUR 2,203,277.54
- ERDF contribution: EUR 1,742,829.37
- IPA contribution: 129,956.50
In the MOVECO consortium, ten countries of the Danube region are represented: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia.
A total of sixteen partners are working under the coordination of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia in the field of circular economy for the Danube region.

Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (SVN)
Project partners:
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Bistrita-Nasaud (ROU)
Bavarian Research Alliance GmbH (DE)
Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (SVK)
Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning of the Republic of Slovenia (SVN)
Tera Tehnopolis Ltd. (HRV)
Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (BGR)
Slovak Business Agency (SVK)
Institute Mihajlo Pupin (SRB)
Europa Consortium Regional Development Non-profit Ltd. (HUN)
Business Upper Austria (AUT)
Cluster of Environmental Technology Bavaria (DE)
Associated strategic partners:
Science and Technology Park Belgrade (SRB)
Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (SVK)
National Agency for Research and Development (MDA)
City of Osijek (HRV)
Further Information
Official project website
MOVECO Newsletter
If you would like to know more about MOVECO, please subscribe to our newsletter by sending an email with your name and surname to moveco@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org.
Brochure: Your Trash is my Treasure
Twitter: @MOVECO_Interreg
Facebook: @Moveco.Danube
LinkedIn Group: MOVECO - Interreg
Videos about MOVECO
Full version:
Grit Ackermann
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
MOVECO Coordination
Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije
Dimičeva ulica 13
1504 Ljubljana
Phone: +386 (0)1 5898 418
E-mail: grit.ackermann@no-spam-pleasegzs.si
Your contact at BayFOR

M. Sc. Melanie Schulte
Project Manager
Phone: +49 89 9901 888-124
Email: schulte@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org