15. International Water Technology Conference (IWTC) - 2011 in Alexandria – Egypt
After fourteen years of success, the Conference now aims at collecting all the multidisciplinary expertises that converge into the assessment, management and control of human-hydrological systems.
IWTC offers a broad range of topics, covering different phases of the water cycle and the related knowledge, and wants to stimulate the interaction between experts having different backgrounds, including service providers and stakeholders. Due to the high impact of our activities on general water security concerns, attention will be given to water policies, regulations and emerging water security issues. The event can also be seen as an excellent trade opportunity, since most participants will be potential users and providers of equipments and services.
The preliminary program of the conference is available here.
The Bavarian Research Alliance and the FP7 Environment Project CLIMB will be represented at this international conference with several presentations and an additional CLIMB workshop for relevant Egyptian water specialists from research, policy and industrial application:
- “European research funding for MENA countries”
- "CLIMB - Climate Induced Changes on the Hydrology of Mediterranean Basins – Reducing Uncertainty and Quantifying Risk"
- "Climate Change Impacts In the Nile Delta – A Perspective from the Climb Project"
To make use of the combined expertise of the international conference participants, Prof. Ralf Ludwig (CLIMB project coordinator), Dr. Isabelle Lajeunesse (responsible for the dissemination of CLIMB results), Prof. Badr Mabrouk (responsible for the CLIMB investigation area Nile Delta) and Dr. Thomas Ammerl (CLIMB Project Manager) will organise a stakeholder meeting on May 30, 2011 from 9.00-12.30 hrs, where the latest research results from CLIMB will be presented and discussed together with the participating decision-makers.
More Information on the Conference here.
Organiser: International Water Technology Association (IWTA) in Alexandria, Egypt (http://iwtc.info/?page_id=40)
Venue: Helnan Palestine Hotel, El- Montazah Palace, Alexandria, Egypt
Registration: Please use the registration form to register for the event.
As the number of participants is limited, a binding registration is necessary.
Contact BayFOR:
Dr. Thomas Ammerl
Head of Unit Environment and Energy
fon +49 (0) 89 - 9901888 - 120
fax +49 (0) 89 - 9901888 - 29
mail ammerl@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
Andrea Reiter
Scientific Research Assistant
fon +49 (0) 89 - 9901888 – 121
fax +49 (0) 89 - 9901888 - 29
mail reiter@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
web www.bayfor.org