BayFOR at the "Munich global - solidarity - active" trade fair

More than 60 Munich institutions and initiatives, development organisations and One World groups, school initiatives and foundations, church congregations and migrant associations, companies and the city administration will be presenting themselves at the "Market of Possibilities". They will invite you to come along and learn about their commitment to democracy, climate protection and rainforest conservation, their partnerships with the South, volunteer work, global learning and fair business.
Another highlight is the "mini-cinema" in the foyer, where participating groups will show short films about their work in the Global South and for a fairer world.
Two exhibitions round off the programme: "Forgotten Worlds and Blind Spots - The Media Neglect of the Global South" and "The Great Greed: In Search of a Fair Deal with Raw Materials".
Interested? Come along and learn more about the wide range of research and innovation projects involving Bavaria in the environment, energy, food, medicine, life sciences and materials. We look forward to your visit.
Time and place of the event
Saturday, 25 November 2023, 14:00 to 18:00 at the Old City Hall, Marienplatz 15
Further Information
For further information please click here.
Attendance fee
The event is free of charge.
Contact at BayFOR
M. Sc. Melanie Schulte
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
E-mail: schulte@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
M. Sc. Anna Stegmann
Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
E-mail: stegmann@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org