Brokerage Event for Interregional Collaborative Projects on Li-ion Batteries

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Brussels. The organisers of the Brokerage Event for inter-regional collaborative projects on li-ion batteries generation 3b, generation 4 and recycling invite stakeholders from around 26 European regions to come together on 26th June 2019 and share their expertise in order to identify joint projects on materials for lithium-ion batteries. On behalf of the European Commission, the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) is co-organising the event together with EMIRI and N-ABLE.

Stakeholders from industry and academia from around 26 European regions are invited to contribute to the development of RDI projects relating to the EU’s smart specialisation strategy on the thematic platform “Advanced materials for batteries”. Projects should address transregional cooperation on a high technology readiness level under three joint priority themes: materials on generation 4 (Pilot 1), recycling processes of batteries (Pilot 3) and materials on generation 3b (Pilot 6).

The Brokerage Event will focus on identifying how entrepreneurs and scientists from the respective regions can collaborate in the three joint priority themes. Another aim is the development of a joint approach for the initiation of trans-regional projects in order to pool expertise and create interregional synergies.


09:30 – 10:00    Registration
10:00 – 10:30    Welcome coffee
10:30 – 11:00    Welcome and opening the meeting              
                           - Goal, organisation, aim and outcome of the meeting – Moderated by Dr.
                           Emmanuel Boudard (N-ABLE), coordinator for the partnership mandated by
                           the European Commission services
                          - EMIRI support, Philippe Jacques
11:00 – 12:30    - Ideation: identification, scoping and prioritisation of industry-driven invesment
                           projects – Moderated by Victor Trapp (Fraunhofer ISC) & Simon Perraud (CEA)  
                          - Presentation and discussion of several projects with the aim to agree on a clear list
                           of (industry-driven) co-investment projects
12:30 – 13:30    Working lunch
13:30 – 16:00    - Operationalising selected co-investment projects – Moderated by investment
                           project leaders
                          - First drafts of co-investment projects
16:00 – 16:30    Conclusion and next steps – towards business planning and financing mix

Date and Time
26th June 2019, 09:30 – 15:00 hrs

Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union
Rue Wiertz 77
1000 Brussels

Representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union

For any questions, please contact:
Dr Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901888-130

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