Forum Translational Medicine 2018
The FORUM Translational Medicine 2018 focuses on the challenges and possibilities of the translational process of biomedical research, clinical development and precision therapies. The conference will present highlights in research & development from academia, clinic and industry. In this way, FORUM Translational Medicine brings together key players of the translational process: biologists, physicians, data scientists, technology providers and innovators.
As an exhibitor, BayFOR will advise interested visitors on European funding opportunities in the field of Health Research und Biotechnology.
For further information, please click here.
Date and time
28 November 2018, 18:00- 21:00 hrs
29 November 2018, 9:00-18:00 hrs
Juliusspital Tagungszentrum
Klinikstraße 1
97070 Würzburg
Please register here until 22 November 2018.
Event Fee
Industry Participants: € 280
Participants from academia, physicians, start-ups: € 120
Students: € 32
Contact at BayFOR
Dr Mikhail Antonkin (Antonkine)
Scientific Officer
Health Research and Biotechnology
Phone: +49 (0)911 50715-950
E-Mail: antonkin@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org