Micro & Nano Event 2020

Objective of the European brokerage event is to generate innovation and foster collaborative projects and transnational cooperation. Companies, research organisations and clusters will have the opportunity to promote innovative offers or products linked to micro & nanotechnologies, find technical solutions and expertise, identify relevant partners or suppliers and build technology, research and business cooperation.
The event consists of bilateral B2B meetings for matchmaking and e-Pitch sessions, where European innovative companies will be selected to pitch and present their expertise and services. Topics on the agenda are materials and surface treatments, micro and nano systems, intelligent manufacturing, as well as information and communication technologies.
We expect participants from the following industry sectors: healthcare, biotechnologies, food science, aerospace and defence, transport and the luxury and watchmaking industry.
Do you need support?
The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will support you during the preparation and follow-up of the event. We can help you find new international partners for your project in the fields of research, development and innovation, and we can assist you with follow-up activities after the event.
In addition, we also provide information on European and national funding opportunities in the above-mentioned fields. Furthermore, we will show you how we can support you in applying for (EU) funding and in implementing funded projects.
Date and time
Wednesday, 22 September 2020 – Friday, 25 September 2020
A detailed schedule of the sessions can be found here.
Registration and participation
Please register here for the virtual event.
Personalized profiles describing your expertise or partner search requests are required for participation. The individual cooperation profiles of the participants will be published in an online catalogue.
The registration fee is € 100 excl. VAT.
The language of the event is English.
BayFOR contact
Dr Panteleïmon Panagiotou (for questions on registration)
Head of Unit
Unit Information & Communication Technologies | Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 911 50715-920
Email: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
Dr Daniel Kießling
Scientific Officer
Unit Information & Communication Technologies | Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 911 50715-920
Email: kiessling@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org