Nanotexnology 2015
The organizers of Nanotexnology include the "Laboratory for Thin Films – Nanosystems & Nanometrology" of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the international "Nano|Net" network and the EU projects "Smartonics" and "RoleMak". Nanotexnology encompasses the following events:
- 9th International Summer School for Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, Organic Electronics & Nanomedicine, which will be held between 4 and 11 July,
- 5th Nanotexnology Expo which will take place between 6 and 10 July,
- 8th International Symposium on Flexible Organic Electronics, which will also open its doors on 6 July, offering interesting workshops and presentations, and run through 9 July, and
- 12th International Conference on Nanosciences & Nanotechnologies, which will take place between 7 and 10 July.
At the accompanying poster session (, BayFOR will present the following four EU projects, which it has supported during the application phase and in which it is now involved as project partner (project management, dissemination and/or training):
HarWin (Harvesting solar energy with multifunctional glass-polymer windows) aims to develop lightweight windows based on innovative polymer/glass composites, which will make buildings more energy-efficient thanks to the use of new materials and technologies in accordance with the EU Initiative "Energy-efficient Buildings".
SusFuelCat (Sustainable fuel production from wet biomass with new catalysts) improves the process used to generate hydrogen based on wet biomass while focusing primarily on hydrogen production by means of an aqueous phase catalytic reforming process (APR).
OrgBIO (Organic Bioelectronics) defines the fundamentals by which complex medical examinations can be carried out with the aid of a compact device. In addition to that, OrgBIO has taken it upon itself to set up a standardised international professional development programme for organic bioelectronics.
OSNIRO (Organic Semiconductors for NIR Optoelectronics) focuses on research in the optoelectronics field. It concentrates primarily on the development of innovative electronic components that can absorb and/or emit radiation from the near infrared range which are imperceptible to the human eye.
In addition to that, BayFOR provides information about its service portfolio and aims to expand its network at the Nanotexnology to identify possible cooperation partners for future EU funding applications of Bavarian stakeholders.
Time: 4 to 11 July 2015
Venue: Porto Palace Hotel, 65, 26th Octovriou Avenue, 54628 Thessaloniki, Greece
For further information, please see
Contact at BayFOR:
Dr. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies,
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901888-130