Virtual Alpine Observatory Symposium 2017
Alpine high altitude research stations contribute significantly to the monitoring, understanding, and forecasting of processes in the Earth system. Their exposed location creates almost ideal conditions for the investigation of many physical and chemical processes in the atmosphere, geosphere, cryo- and hydrospheres, and biosphere. The Virtual Alpine Observatory project supports the research activities of the alpine high altitude research stations by aggregating their measurements and performing joint research projects. VAO is contributing to the Alpine Convention. Access to other data and to high performance computing facilities creates rare research opportunities.
The symposium provides an ideal forum for obtaining up-to-date information about the latest developments, exchanging ideas, identifying future trends, and networking with the international high altitude research community.
Symposium details
Time: March 28-30, 2017
Venue: EURAC research, Viale Druso 1, I-39100 Bolzano, Italy
The special focus of the symposium will be on the following topics:
I. Atmospheric variability and trends
Focus is on research and on monitoring activities including trace gases, aerosols, radiation, and meteorological parameters in the whole atmosphere (troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere) with respect to spatio-temporal variabilities over a wide scale. In addition, services (e.g. value-added information products) tailored to users' needs shall be presented.
II. Alpine water supply
The capture of the water balance in Alpine regions is challenging, especially with regards to climate change. Focus shall be on climate change impact on water balance, hydrological modelling, precipitation and extreme weather events.
III. Alpine environment: dangers and risks
Climate change has serious impact on and consequences for nature and human beings in the Alpine region. Focus is therefore e.g. on landslides, forest fires, permafrost, vegetation, tourism, environmental radioactivity, and extreme events. Research and operational monitoring activities as well as services shall be presented.
IV. Environmental / high altitude medicine
Persistent pollutants, particulate matter or pollen as well as meteorological variables like temperature or humidity can have negative impact on human health in the Alpine region and lead to e.g. allergies, respiratory diseases or cardiovascular diseases. Long-term studies, analyses, studies, and recommendations for action shall be presented.
V. Infrastructure and technology for environmental / high altitude research
Environmental sciences and especially research in high altitudes require very specific technological solutions. Focus shall be on new sensor technologies or measurement platforms (UAVs, etc.), hard- and software infrastructures, concepts of (meta-)data storage, analysis and visualization, etc. Work in progress, open questions, and unsolved problems may be presented as well.
Preliminary agenda: download PDF (last updated: 17/01/2017)
Conference Fee:
The conference fee includes catering (conference dinner on day 1, coffee breaks, lunch). Participants will get an invoice after the conference. All prices are net prices, stated in Euro, and are excluding the statutory VAT.
- 139 € for participation on 1 day
- 169 € for participation on 2 days
- 199 € for participation on 3 days
On the first conference day, a Conference Dinner will be organized at EURAC research.
Date: Tuesday, 28.03.2017
Begin: 7 pm
Please inform vao@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org in case you prefer vegetarian food or a special diet.
Please register here: registration form
Abstract Submission
Authors who wish to give a presentation or present a poster are requested to submit a publishable abstract (approx. ½ page + 1 figure). Please send your abstract before 31.01.2017 to vao@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org. Later submissions might not be considered.
I. Atmospheric variability and trends
II. Alpine water supply
III. Alpine environment: dangers and risks
IV. Environmental / high altitude medicine
V. Infrastructure and technology for environmental / high altitude research
Abstract template and author guidelines: view Word document
Poster template (mandatory for VAO project partners only): view PPT
(Storage platform: Dropbox. No registration for Dropbox needed)
Accommodation is not provided. However, you can find a list with recommended hotels in Bolzano here.
Contact at BayFOR
Andrea Reiter
Project Manager VAO
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901888-121
E-mail: vao@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
The project „Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO): Development and Internationalization of the Virtual Alpine Observatory (VAO-II) at the Environment Research Station Schneefernerhaus (UFS)“ is funded by the Bavarian State Ministry of the Environment and Consumer Protection.