Virtual International Partnering – Innovation in Environment & Energy & Circular Economy

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On 4 and 5 May 2020, a virtual international cooperation exchange in the field of environment, energy and circular economy will take place. Bayern Innovativ organizes this event together with the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and several international partners in the Enterprise Europe Network.

Due to COVID-19, this international partnering event (originally organised as side event during IFAT 2020) will now take place online and independently to IFAT, which was postponed to September 2020.

The participation in the Virtual International Partnering offers you the opportunity to meet new international partners both for your bilateral cooperation and for European joint R&I projects.

We expect participants from the following thematic areas: water and wastewater, waste and recycling, renewable energies, energy efficiency and circular economy.

The participation in the event is free of charge, but the creation of a business profile is required for participation. The individual cooperation profiles of the participants will be published in an online catalogue to increase their visibility.

Do you need support?
The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), as support office located in Munich, will support you during the preparation and follow-up of the event. We can help you to find new international partners for your project in the field of research, development or innovation, and we can assist you with tracking further the matches after the event.

In addition, we also provide information on European and national funding opportunities in the above-mentioned fields. Furthermore, we will show you how we can support you in applying for funding and in implementing funded projects.


4 & 5 May 2020, 9:30 to 17:30 hrs


All meetings will take place online/virtual via the B2Match video conference tool. You can obtain further information about the procedure here.


Please register here  until 28 April 2020.

Participation fee

The event is free of charge.  

Further information

Please find more information here.

Contact in BayFOR

Dr Thomas Ammerl
Head of unit Environment, Energy & Bioeconomy
Phone: +49 (0)89 9901888-120

Twitter: @BayFOR_UEB

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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