EIT launches ninth KIC "Culture & Creativity" and publishes first call for proposals for European cultural and creative industries
![EIT launches ninth KIC "Culture & Creativity" and publishes first call for proposals for European cultural and creative industries [Translate to Englisch:] EIC KIC Culture & Creativity](/fileadmin/user_upload/BayFOR-bilder/aktuelles/news/BayFOR-kic-creativity-c.jpg)
In 2008, the EU launched the European Institute of Technology (EIT) with the aim of increasing the innovation capacity of EU Member States and thus sustainable economic growth in Europe. With around 3,000 partners from industry, science and education, it is the largest innovation ecosystem in Europe.
The Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs) of the European Institute of Technology (EIT)
Implementation takes place in the so-called Knowledge and Innovation Communities (KICs), which bring together all the players in an innovation process, from the product idea to production and market launch. They tender innovation-oriented research projects and support testing, prototyping and demonstration, especially in areas of key economic, environmental and societal interest.
The nine KICs cover the following areas:
- thematic area "Urban Mobility": EIT Urban Mobility.
- thematic area "Added value in manufacturing": EIT Manufacturing
- thematic area "Food for the future - sustainable food chain from raw materials to consumers": EIT Food
- thematic area "Innovation for healthy living and active ageing": EIT Health
- thematic area "Raw materials - sustainable exploration, extraction, processing, recycling and substitution": EIT Raw Materials
- thematic area "Sustainable Energy": KIC InnoEnergy
- thematic area "Climate Change - Adaptation and Prevention": Climate-KIC
- thematic area "Next Generation Information and Communication Society": EIT Digital
- thematic area "Culture and Creativity": EIT Culture & Creativity
In 2026, a tenth KIC will be added in the field of "water-related industries". A total of around 300 million euros is available under Horizon Europe for the ninth and tenth KICs.
The new KIC Culture & Creativity
The financial resources for the ninth KIC are intended in particular to strengthen the cultural and creative industries, which were severely affected by the Covid 19 pandemic, in their economic recovery and to promote their sustainable growth.
The culture & creativity sectors are among Europe's leading employers and have the potential to offer solutions to some of society's most pressing socio-economic problems.
Therefore, the KIC will contribute to the training of the future entrepreneurs of the thematic field and promote innovative projects. In addition, the new KIC aims to increase the integration of the cultural and creative sectors into regional development strategies.
First call for proposals of the KIC Culture & Creativity
The new KIC kicks off with the first, recently opened call, which is aimed at SMEs, large enterprises, research institutions as well as cities and regions that are active in the creative industries and want to present their visions and projects to promote innovation and sustainable development in the cultural and creative sectors.
The deadline for submitting a project proposal for this call is 24 March 2022.
The EIT is organising a series of events in November and December with general and call-specific information. Interested organisations are also invited to network on the designated networking platform.
If you need support in preparing your application, please feel free to contact us!
Further information:
• European Commission press release on the EIT's new KIC call for proposals
• EIT info page on the KIC Culture and Creativity with details on the call for proposals, networking opportunities and upcoming info events.

Dr. Philip Pfaller
Scientific Officer Socio-economic Sciences & Humanities | Security
Phone: +49 89 9901888-0 or direct: -164
Email: pfaller@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org