11th IGSSE Forum 2017 – Manage your career!


Raitenhaslach. From 29-31 May 2017, the International Graduate School of Science and Engineering (IGSSE) will organise its annual meeting, also known as IGSSE Forum, in Raitenhaslach. The participants will meet for scientific workshops, lectures and ambitious training programmes. In this context, BayFOR will inform about the services of BayFOR itself, the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency and the Enterprise Europe Network. Furthermore, it will present the European funding programme Horizon 2020 and, as an example for successful European funding, the EU project INNOVIP.

This year’s forum aims at giving the opportunity to get first-hand insights into various career opportunities, ranging from academic in university and non-university contexts to startups, patent examination and many others. Among key note speakers and workshop instructors will be Dr. Fridolin Stary (Head R&D, Wacker Chemie), Dr. Carlos Härtel (CTO & Chief Innovation Officer, GE Europe) and Dr. Markus Zanner (Chancellor University of Bayreuth). To complement the workshops, several companies (e.g. Infineon, Evonik, Wacker, Dynamic Biosensors, Kinexon) and research institutions (DFG, UAS7, Fraunhofer) will present their career opportunities at the first-ever IGSSE career fair on Wednesday morning. On the same occasion, small panels, consisting of alumni and various representatives from academia and industry will offer the opportunity to discuss questions regarding a fulfilling and successful career.

The workshop led by BayFOR will inform about successful application for European funding for research and innovation. The speakers will provide an overview of the services of BayFOR itself – information, advisory services, EU application support, project management, project implementation – and their partner institutions in the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency and the Enterprise Europe Network. Furthermore, they will give detailed information about the proposal setup under Horizon 2020, support for applications and lessons learned from previous calls for proposals. In addition, they will talk about dissemination and public relations in an EU project. The EU project INNOVIP (Innovative multi-functional Vacuum-Insulation-Panels (VIPs) for use in the building sector) will be presented as an example for a successful EU project. For further information about this project, please click here.

Time: 29-31 May 2017

Venue: Akademiezentrum Raitenhaslach, Raitenhaslach 11, 84489 Burghausen

A detailed programme can be found here.

Registration: For participation, please register here. Deadline for registration is 24 April 2017.

Contact at BayFOR
Dr. rer. nat. Panteleïmon Panagiotou
Head of Unit Information & Communication Technologies |
Engineering & Natural Sciences
Phone: +49 (0)89 - 9901888 – 130
E-mail: panagiotou@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org

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