BayFOR at the 19th “nano tech 2020 - International Nanotechnology Exhibition & Conference” in Tokyo

BayFOR will not only present INNOVIP, but also promote Bavaria as a centre for science and innovation by enhancing its network of international partners. The goal is to initiate new successful international research and innovation projects involving Bavarian and Japanese stakeholders. Please feel free to contact us, if you are interested in getting involved in this process.
The 2nd German-Japanese Nanotechnology Commercialization Workshop will take place on the first day of the fair. During this event, BayFOR will give insights into the ongoing Horizon 2020 project INNOVIP and show the audience possibilities of EU funding for transnational projects.
As a Bavarian stakeholder, you can benefit from BayFOR’s expertise in regional, national and European research funding. We can support your project from initiation to completion - including all project management issues. Our scientific experts provide subject-specific information and offer strategic advice and active support for initiating projects, setting up international research consortia and writing and submitting proposal applications. Upon successful evaluation, BayFOR is able to provide support during grant preparation with the European Commission and, when requested, BayFOR provides support with project management throughout the project duration.
Date and time
29-31 January 2020, 10:00 - 17:00 hrs
Event Fee
25 Euro
Free Entry, if you are pre-registered. Pre-registration is open now. You will find it here.
Tokyo Big Sight
East Halls 4-6 & Conference Tower
Inc. 3-11-1 Ariake, Koto-ku
Tokyo, Japan 135-0063
Further information
For more information, please click here.
The agenda you will find here.
Contact at BayFOR
Dr Daniel Kießling
Scientific Officer Information & Communication Technologies | Engineering & Natural Science
Phone: +49 911 50715-920
Email: kiessling@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org