‘Creating NEBourhoods for Tomorrow’: Final Conference of the European Lighthouse Project ‘Creating NEBourhoods Together’

The conference will focus on presenting the new approaches to sustainable urban development developed by NEBourhoods. The aim is to explore and discuss the transformative relevance of these new approaches together with other NEB flagship projects - in the spirit of the New European Bauhaus: 'beautiful, sustainable, together'.
From the outset, Creating NEBourhoods Together has been closely linked to the strategic guidelines and urban development plans of the City of Munich. As an innovative urban development tool for the rapid and participatory development of solutions, NEBourhoods complements both the Integrierte Handlungsraumkonzept (IHRK) (Integrated Action Area Concept) and the Integrierte Stadtteilentwicklungskonzept (ISEK) (Integrated District Development Concept) for Neuperlach. NEBourhoods has been tested in a variety of urban experiments with residents of the district and various actors from Munich's innovation ecosystem.
An overview of the final conference programme
On Thursday, 27 March 2025, from 10:30 to 16:30, experts will discuss the topic 'Transforming Neighbourhoods into NEBourhoods' in several panels. The focus will be on how to transform neighbourhoods into sustainable 'NEBourhoods' based on the core values of the New European Bauhaus. Together with other European flagship projects, NEBourhoods will explore how different project approaches and methods have led to profound change in different places.
Location of the event
Munich University of Applied Sciences
Lothstraße 64, 1st floor
80335 Munich, Germany
The building is accessible and there is an accessible toilet.
The Architekturgalerie München (Blumenstraße 22) invites you to the opening of the two NEBourhoods exhibitions at 17:30 and the PlanTreff (Blumenstraße 31) at 18:30.
On Friday 28 March 2025, from 9:00 to 13:00, the focus will be on the conditions for success of NEB-led experiments and innovations. Keynote speeches and subsequent discussions will highlight the necessary framework conditions for the continuation of these experimental and innovative approaches to urban development. In addition, NEBourhoods will present its 'Replication Handbook', a practical guide that summarises the lessons learned and enables other projects and initiatives to replicate the interventions.
Location of the event
Siemens AG, Neuperlach
Otto-Hahn-Ring 6
81739 Munich, Germany
The building is accessible and there is an accessible toilet.
How to register
Please register here by 11 March 2025.
Please note that the number of seats available for this event is limited. The organisers reserve the right to create a waiting list and to carefully select participants in order to ensure a broad and diverse participation.
Conference language
Contact at BayFOR
Simone Wiegand
Project Manager NEBourhoods
Phone: +49 89 9901888-134
Email: wiegand@bayfor.org
Haleh Mohajerani
Event Management
Phone: +49 89 9901888-107
Email: veranstaltung@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org