Final conference of the EU project SIMWOOD

Europe has more than 117 million hectares of forest, but the sustainable utilisation especially in privately owned woods falls short of its potential. In response, the EU project SIMWOOD (Sustainable Innovative Mobilisation of Wood) was launched with the aim of promoting a more efficient use of the available supply of wood and bolster Europe's forestry and wood industry.
Special highlights for a wide-ranging, international audience
At the SIMWOOD final conference, the partners (11 SMEs, 15 research organisations, JRC and BayFOR) will present their research results and discuss solutions for wood mobilisation in Europe. Special highlights are:
- Lessons learned from the SIMWOOD pilot projects and regional learning labs
- Experiences shared by participating SMEs
- Demonstration of tools and products developed to support wood mobilisation
- Panel discussions with forest practitioners, policy makers and researchers
Presentations and discussions will be delivered in English. However, the diversity of the partners involved in SIMWOOD will make it possible to discuss individual results and experiences in French, German, Spanish, Portuguese etc.
Regional, national and European stakeholders interested in wood mobilisation are very welcome to the SIMWOOD final conference. The programme is designed to address both forest practitioners (forest managers, entrepreneurs, wood suppliers etc.) and policy-makers.
12 October 2017, from 1:30 pm to 6 pm
13 October 2017, from 9 am to 5 pm
Venue: Ecole des Ingénieurs de la Ville de Paris, 80 Rue Rebeval,
75-019 Paris, France
Conference Fee:
The conference fee includes catering (conference dinner, coffee breaks, lunch). Participants will get an invoice after the conference. All prices are net prices, stated in Euro, and are excluding the statutory VAT.
Participation fee for SIMWOOD consortial partners: 60 EUR
Participation fee for external participants: 110 EUR
For participation, please register here (terms and conditions).
Deadline for registration is July 31, 2017 (31.07.2017).
Provisional programme: PDF
For hotel recommendations, please click here.
For further information please visit www.simwood-project.eu.
SIMWOOD project coordinator
Roland Schreiber
Bavarian State Institute of Forestry
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 1
D-85354 Freising
Phone: +49-(0)8161-715123
Fax: +49-(0)8161-715132
E-mail: roland.schreiber@no-spam-pleaselwf.bayern.de
Internet: www.lwf.bayern.de
Local contact point in France
Morgan Vuillermoz
10 rue Galilée
F-77420 Champs sur Marne
Phone: +33-(0)172 84 97 62
E-mail: Morgan.Vuillermoz@no-spam-pleasefcba.fr
Internet: www.fcba.fr