Radiation Effects on Embedded Systems for Space Applications – SERESSA 2017
The conference combines academic, government, and industrial communities working in the area of radiation effects on embedded systems. The topics cover the full spectrum of radiation effects on space embedded systems: space environment, error mechanisms, testing, hardening by design, rate prediction. The school is based on lectures, exercises, and practical courses involving real case studies using the common tools of the domain.
The Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will hold a speech on “EU funding opportunities (Horizon 2020) and BayFOR support services”. It will provide insights into relevant funding opportunities under the dedicated topic “Space” in the next two years of Horizon 2020 and some concrete advice on how to prepare a successful proposal. Furthermore, Mr. Dan Gutu, scientific officer for space and ICT topics at BayFOR, will present the service portfolio of BayFOR and of the Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency.
Time: 25 October 2017, from 14:30-14:50
Venue: Leibniz-Rechenzentrum der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Boltzmannstrasse 1, 85748 Garching, Germany
Registration Fee: EUR 450
The workshop fee includes:
- Certificate of participation
- Comprehensive course documentation
- Coffee breaks and Lunch meals at the LRZ
- Social event (dinner in Munich)
- Membership in the SERESSA Community (information sharing)
Further information on the event and registration can be found here.
Provisional programme: PDF
Contact at BayFOR
Dipl. Wirt.-Ing. Dan Gutu
Scientific Officer
Information and communication technologies | Space
Phone: +49 89 9901888-136
E-mail: gutu@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org