Excellence Lab: Horizon Europe funding opportunities and matchmaking for green research and innovation cooperation between Africa, Europe and Bavaria

International cooperation with the Global South, especially Africa, is an important part of Horizon Europe, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. The programme is embedded in the relevant policy framework and the current objectives of the European Commission, such as the AU-EU Innovation Agenda.
The event will be divided into two similar parts and will take place on two consecutive days so that the respective specific requirements of the two calls can be highlighted:
- EU-African Union cooperation on agroforestry management for climate change adaptation and mitigation
- EU-African Union – towards climate-neutral, social just fair trade food systems
Based on the respective call for proposals, the basic approach to such texts will be presented and details to be considered when applying will be highlighted. Participants are invited to briefly present their expertise and, if applicable, concrete project ideas that could be submitted to the respective Horizon Europe call topics mentioned above.
Event time
Wednesday, 18 October 2023, 11:00 to 12:30 am CEST, correspondingly 09:00 to 10:30 am GMT for the call ‘EU-African Union cooperation on agroforestry management for climate change adaptation and mitigation’
Thursday, 19 October 2023, 11:00 to 12:30 am CEST, correspondingly to 09:00 to 10:30 am GMT for the call ‘EU-African Union – towards climate-neutral, social just fair trade food systems’
The event will be held online via ZOOM.
The agenda can be found here.
Participation fee
The event is free of charge.
Please register here and indicate which of the two calls you are more interested in.
The deadline for the registration is 15 October 2023 at 6 p.m. (CEST).
Please note that there is only a limited number of places available for this event. Should the event be oversubscribed, the organisers reserve the right to prioritise participants based on their profile, expertise and/or project idea.
Submission of matchmaking pitch presentations
Participants who wish to give a short presentation are requested to send their presentation (after filling in the registration form) to bayern-afrika@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org by 15 October 2023 at the latest.
Please use this PowerPoint template. Please note that each presentation should comprise a maximum of 3 slides ( = maximum 5 minutes of speaking time). Details on the required content and format of the presentation can be found in the template.
Contact at BayFOR
M. Sc. Melanie Schulte
Scientific Coordinator Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Phone: +49 89 9901888-124
E-mail: schulte@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org
M. Sc. Anna Stegmann
Scientific Coordinator of the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Africa
Phone: +49 89 9901 888-128
E-mail: stegmann@no-spam-pleasebayfor.org