Event Archive

Number of Entries: 200

Bavaria-Israel Workshop Series: How to build a HEU-proposal in the field of Democracy, Cultural Heritage, Transformation


Bavaria-Israel Workshop Series: How to build a HEU-proposal in the field of Democracy, Cultural Heritage, Transformation

Due to the current situation in Israel, the 11th Bavarian-Israeli Workshop will be postponed to a later date. Thank you for your understanding.

On October 26 and November 6, 2023, the Scientific Coordination Office Bavaria-Israel of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) and the „Israel-Europe R&I Directorate“ (ISERD) invite to a workshop series "How to build a HEU-proposal in the fields of Democracy, Cultural Heritage, Transformation" in the context of the 11th Bavarian-Israeli Think-Tank on the application process for calls from the current European Research Framework Program "Horizon Europe". Further information can be found here.

[Translate to Englisch:] BayFOR Forschungscafe


Forschungscafé - Scientific Exchange in post pandemic times

On 26 October, the WKS team will be pleased to welcome Prof. Mario Liebensteiner for the next Forschungscafé! He will share his research on Economic Modelling where he has been analysing the role of Energy Storage in Decarbonization scenarios. Prof. Liebensteiner will present insights gained through his recent work with partners in Québec.

Excellence Lab: Horizon Europe funding opportunities and matchmaking for green research and innovation cooperation between Africa, Europe and Bavaria


Excellence Lab: Horizon Europe funding opportunities and matchmaking for green research and innovation cooperation between Africa, Europe and Bavaria

On 18 and 19 October 2023, the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) will host the workshop "Excellence Lab: Horizon Europe funding opportunities and matchmaking for green research and innovation cooperation between Africa, Europe and Bavaria". The event is aimed at researchers, start-ups, NGOs, companies and public institutions from Bavaria, Europe and Africa who are looking for partners to apply for two European funding opportunities for research and innovation. The event offers an ideal platform to get to know potential international project partners with a focus on agroforestry and food trade policy and to exchange concrete project ideas.

"Dinner for (every)one? Foodtech Strategies in Israel and the EU and the Role of Research and Innovation; Online Expert Talk


"Dinner for (every)one? Foodtech Strategies in Israel and the EU and the Role of Research and Innovation; Online Expert Talk

Due to the current situation in Israel, the event " Dinner for (every)one?" Foodtech Strategies in Israel and the EU and the Role of Research and Innovation" is postponed to a later date. Thank you for your understanding. 

On the occasion of "World Food Day 2023", the German Embassy in Israel, the Office of the Free State of Bavaria in Israel and the Scientific Coordination Office (WKS) Bavaria-Israel of the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR) invite you to a digital expert discussion "Dinner for (every)one? Foodtech Strategies in Israel and the EU and the Role of Research and Innovation". Further information can be found here.

Circular Flooring Days 2023


Circular Flooring Days 2023

Are you an expert in PVC flooring and its related fields? Then join the EU project Circular Flooring for the Circular Flooring Days on 12 & 13 October 2023 in Freising, Germany. Seize this opportunity to get an insight into the market developments of PVC (recyclate) flooring and its recycling technologies. Circular Flooring aims to establish a circular recycling process for post-consumer PVC floor coverings. This stakeholder event is co-organized by the Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV and the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR).

BayFOR at the Science Summit 2023


BayFOR at the 9th Science Summit 2023: EU-funded research & innovation projects with partners from the Americas and the Global South

From 12 to 29 September 2023, the 9th Science Summit will take place in New York City around the 78th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA78). The main goal of the Science Summit is to promote and develop global cooperation in the field of science, in order to achieve an implementation of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) of the United Nations. In this framework, BayFOR will organise, together with Invest in Bavaria, an hybrid event (onsite + online) on 22 September to provide information on EU funding opportunities for research and innovation projects involving partners from the Americas and the Global South. BayFOR will also present several European funding options for “green topics”. Additionally, several ongoing EU R&I projects will present their objectives and activities, and BayFOR will moderate a panel discussion on how to implement the SDGs via such projects.

Bavarian-Czech Workshop: EDIHs & AI/Robotics Horizon Europe Calls 2024


Bavarian-Czech Workshop: EDIHs & AI/Robotics Horizon Europe Calls 2024

On 14 September 2023, the Representation of the Free State of Bavaria in the Czech Republic in Prague will hold a Bavarian-Czech workshop on "EDIHs & AI/Robotics Horizon Europe Calls 2024". The workshop is organised as a cross-border cooperation by the Bavarian Research Alliance (BayFOR), together with the "European Digital Innovation Hubs" (EDIHs) EDIH DInO from Bavaria, as well as EDIH CIH and EDIH CTU from the Czech Republic. The aim of this workshop is to bring together researchers from academia and companies from Bavaria and the Czech Republic to develop joint collaborations and ideas for EU-funded projects for the Horizon Europe 2024 calls with a focus on artificial intelligence/robotics.

IAA Mobility 2023 in Munich


IAA Mobility 2023 in Munich

From 5 to 10 September 2023, IAA MOBILITY will take place in Munich at the Messe München exhibition centre and in the city centre. The world's largest and most important mobility event offers manufacturers, suppliers, tech companies, service providers and start-ups a wide range of opportunities to present themselves and their services to a broad international B2B and B2C audience. The Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA) will also be represented at the joint stand of the Free State of Bavaria to draw attention to its offers to industry and science. In addition, BayFOR will provide information on thematically relevant EU funding programmes for research and innovation.

16th Science Day of the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg


16th Science Day of the Metropolitan Region Nuremberg

On 28 July 2023, the 16th Science Day of the Nuremberg Metropolitan Region will take place at the Friedrich-Alexander- Universität (FAU) in Erlangen. The focus is on the topic "People at the centre: Health - Innovation - Responsibility". The Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency (BayFIA) will be there again this year to draw the attention of business and science representatives to the services offered by the four partner organisations. At the joint stand, BayFOR will provide information on thematically relevant EU funding programmes for research and innovation.

[Translate to Englisch:] Bild des Online Workshops: EIC Accelerator: das neue Antragsverfahren


Online workshop: EIC Accelerator: the new application process

Do you have creative and innovative ideas waiting to be developed further? Would you like to drive your start-up or scale-up forward and get the financial support you need? In our online workshop, we will introduce you to the funding instrument "EIC Accelerator" and its new application process.

Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

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Competent Support for Excellent Research in Bavaria, Europe and the World

BayFOR Bavarian Research and Innovation Agency